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XXV Sunday in Ordinary Time - Fr Richard Ounsworth OP
XII Sunday in Ordinary Time - Fr Richard Ounsworth OP
Filling the Gap - Fr Richard Ounsworth OP
Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord - Fr Richard Ounsworth OP
Feast of St Mary Magdalene - Fr Robert Gay OP
Richard Ounsworth on how Christ in the New Testament teaches us to be human
XXVIII Sunday in Ordinary Time - Fr Oliver Keenan, OP
Blackfriars Oxford Mass (20.09.20) | 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Cakes, Candles, and Christian Art with Fr Richard Conrad OP | Not Just Theologians
Feast of St Bridget of Sweden - Fr Dominic Ryan OP
St John Henry Newman - Fr Oliver Keenan, OP
Homily of Archbishop Malcolm McMahon OP at the Diaconal Ordination of Br Albert Robertson OP.